First and foremost: Congratulations!! You just made one of the hardest decisions yet! To make changes in your lifestyle to become a healthier, happier and better self! Bariatric, actually means: “relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity”. So whether you’re looking to achieve your goals through behavior modification or Bariatric Surgery, we’re just so excited to be a part of your transition to a better you!
For those considering surgery, Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for severe obesity that results in the improvement and remission of many obesity-related comorbidities, as well as providing sustained weight loss and improvement in quality of life. Bariatric surgery isn’t for everyone who is severely overweight. And those who qualify will need to meet certain medical guidelines and go through an extensive screening process to see if the procedure is right for them.
Once approved, this could be a lifesaving procedure! Just like with any weight loss diets, initially, you will lose weight. You will reduce your co-morbidities. You will feel better and look better. However, to be successful long-term (both for Surgery or Behavior modification weight loss), you have to make permanent lifelong changes, both to your diet and physical activity. This may sound very simple, but in actuality, it is not.
You’ve spent much of your life building and reinforcing bad eating habits. Those are going to have to change! Through the process, you will be resetting your bad eating habits and replacing them with new healthy ones. Be prepared for a struggle! It is going to be a rocky road! Smooth at first, but bumpy through the process! There will be mountains , there will be valleys, there will be rain, there will be sunshine. But for every step that you take back, there will be two more steps to move you forward. And because we know how many detours and obstacles can come up on the road, we developed: Bariatric Connection, a support system created with YOU in mind!
For those considering surgery, Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for severe obesity that results in the improvement and remission of many obesity-related comorbidities, as well as providing sustained weight loss and improvement in quality of life. Bariatric surgery isn’t for everyone who is severely overweight. And those who qualify will need to meet certain medical guidelines and go through an extensive screening process to see if the procedure is right for them.
Our support system will provide you with the tools necessary to get you through this journey and help you successfully reach your healthy goals. So when you feel you’re getting off track, overwhelmed, or just a little out of fuel, we’ll be right there when you need us with an outstretched helping hand! We will cheer you, we will empower you, we will encourage you to stay on track! . So stay focused, make small changes, and pack a whole lot of discipline to get you through the path!
And remember: “slow and steady, wins the race”! Find your pace, embrace your challenges, and make new healthy habits to last a lifetime!
By signing up to our Bariatric connection Program you will enjoy the following benefits: